Teaching Excellence

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Teaching Excellence Network (TEN) creates a common language between administrators, teachers, students and parents. With plenty of research to improve the skills and practices of effective teaching to poor and working class color of youth, TEN has developed a tool to support school communities.

Producer/Project Manager, Production Designer, Event Coordinator

TEN continually holds symposiums, presentations, and is always in the need for content to support their programs and their network. I’ve worked with TEN on several occasions and have helped with a variety of needs.

  • Resourcing and management of creative teams for various projects.
  • Project scopes, budgets, deliverables, and timelines.
  • Production design for their handbook, event marketing assets, and internal assets.
  • Team travel budgets, planning, and booking.
  • Event set up and coordination for their symposiums held in New York City and in Oakland, California.

  • Client - Teaching Excellence Network
  • Date - March 2015
  • Skills/Tools Used - Canon EOS 5D, Adobe Indesign, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Word
Project link

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